Frequently Asked Questions

Make The Most of Your Free Initial Consultation With Holman Law

These FAQ’s will help you make the most out of your free case evaluation with one of our attorneys

Estate planning, the probate process, and long-term care are difficult topics to tackle on your own. Allow us to help guide you and make it something more manageable. 

The simple answer is that you will be making decisions for yourself for a time in the future when you are unable to make them (either at incapacity or death).  

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Do you trust that other people will know how you want your affairs handled?
  • Can you guarantee those people will be ready, willing and able at the time you will need their assistance?
  • Are you comfortable with the State of Texas coming up with solutions if problems or unforeseen circumstances arise?
  • Are you responsible for others?
  • Who would take care of them if you are not capable or not around?
    Learn more about Holman Law’s Estate Planning services

We will spend this first meeting getting to know you and your situation. We want to make sure that we thoroughly understand your goals and concerns. At this meeting, we will offer options and solutions for you to consider. At the end of this meeting you will have a clearer picture of your options and can decide to engage our services.

It is not necessary to bring all your existing documents with you at this meeting, but you are certainly welcome to bring documents you want to discuss specifically.

Here are some of the questions that we will ask during our initial consultation:

1. Who do you want to make decisions for you if your are ever incapacitated?  Any back-ups in case that person is unavailable?

2. Have you been planning for retirement?  Have you factored in the cost of long-term care if you or your spouse is diagnosed with a progressive condition (Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc?).  Do you want to know about steps to protect your retirement assets?

3. Do you have young children?  Have you setup a guardianship designation for them?  Who would manage your assets for them until they are old enough?

4. Do you have older parents?  Are you taking care of them now or is it foreseeable that you may have to step-in at some point?  Have you talked about this scenario with them?

5. How important is it to you to make things easy for your family when you pass away?

The time in which it takes to create an estate plan is dependent on developing the plan.  Our firm provides you with the information, consultation, and guidance to put together a plan that meets your wishes, solves your challenges, and helps you reach your goals. 

Sometimes the plan is clear and can be executed quickly. Other times careful contemplation is needed to address certain questions. Either way, we are here as your trusted advisor.

Our fees vary depending on the plan we are creating for you.  In most cases, we quote flat fee prices so you know exactly the cost of the work we will perform for you.  This also allows us to communicate as often as necessary, so we create the plan exactly as you want without worry of racking up a large legal bill.

Our fees are quoted to you before you engage in our services and often times there’s more than one option to choose from.

An Essential Guide to Estate Planning, Administration, and Long-Term Care

Download your free copy today!

As you age, your financial needs and health concerns naturally evolve. Estate planning allows you to age comfortably by addressing changes and challenges head-on. Holman Law has created an estate planning ebook to help you get started. 

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